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The second most sincere form of flattery, GRM is a cover song in a different genre.


 A long time is spent fretting over a cheap bass guitar that other people could seem to make music with, but Jesse could not. In looking to buy a better instrument, nothing inspires until finding a Bubinga Warwick Corvette. It is beautiful to play and moreso to look at.


At the time of discovery, he is turning a lot of wood; a personal form of meditation. Finding a chunk of Bubinga, it goes on the lathe without much of a plan. The figure of the sapwood helps guide the shape and out comes the body of a new idea.


The steel base, a first attempt at welding. The orbiting steel rods are reminiscent of the strings of the bass guitar; accidental? One hopes.


We no longer include the sapwood and Jesse is not allowed near the welder, but the spirit remains.


The name comes from an act of kindness worth remembering – baked goods from a friend he had not yet met.


Better than calling it Fiero or something.


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